Dua tahun yang lalu, saya pernah begitu marah kepada dunia. Seumur-umur, baru kali itu saya merasa diperlakukan dengan sangat tidak adil..hati saya menjerit-jerit, mencoba berontak (berlari kesana-kemari sampai ke Bali,hehehe). Tapi tidak seperti sinetron-sinetron klise di televisi swasta, cerita saya tamat dengan ending yang tidak dramatis-romantis. Drama saya berakhir getir (baca: realistis) dengan terpaksa menyadari fakta bahwa ternyata hidup saya bukanlah milik saya sepenuhnya...setelah Tuhan, ternyata bukan saya jua yang kuasa menentukan.
5 April 2006
Why can’t anyone understand how i feel?
I always feel alone with this feeling. Not even my bestfriends seem to be supportive.
I feel like floating in the air without having a parachute attached. At the moment i do fly, but if i fall to the ground,nothing would catch me. No one would safe me.
what’s the meaning of differences these days when everyone wears everything that’s made in china and speak the same dialogues taken from hollywood blockbuster movies?And we indonesians are even think and act in a more american way than the americans do.. and more blondes emerge here while even in sweden blondes are dying out..
Don’t tell me differences are more about being able or not able to speak ‚bahasa’ or knowing or not knowing how to act properly in the ‚javanese’ custom..
But unfortunately..i am just a normal human being.
I couldn’t go anywhere without passport and visa (those americans are lucky bastards)
I do have religion i faithfully believe (and it forbids marriage of different faiths)
I do have families and parents that i should respect..
I have norms that tie me..law that surrounds me...all those things that make your life feels more difficult than it already is
Di novel itu, sang tokoh utama ,Fahri, yang sedang dihadapkan kepada dua pilihan hati memutuskan : „ Tidak selamanya perasaan harus dituruti. Akal sehat adalah juga wahyu Illahi.“
Alhamdulillah, hari ini saya bahagia. Bahagia yang realistis. Dan itu cukup...
jadi elu ke bali itu dalam rangka melarikan diri? pantas tidak bertahan lama.. kekeke...
eh blog elu gue link ya di abhampunyacerita.blogspot.com
ihihii maluuu..ketawan...
udah baca blog lo bham..keren banget banget..menginspirasi gw untuk nulis lagi jadinya!
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