Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, March 05, 2010

|Down the Rabbit Hole|

|Mumpung Alice in wonderland lagi jadi hot topic di seluruh dunia, ngomongin tokoh fiksi ini ah..|

"`But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
`Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
`How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
`You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'

Alice yang hampir semua orang (Indonesia) inget  pastinya yang versi Disney. Quite sure about that, soalnya gue juga 'kenalan' ama cerita ini via buku 'Pilih sendiri ceritamu' versi Disney,hehehe.
Perkenalan dengan Alice versi original dimulai beberapa tahun lalu, ketika ada seorang teman yang berkeluh kesah perihal tugas sekolahnya yang dirasa agak ajaib.
Sebut saja namanya Dani, waktu itu dia lagi sekolah Fashion dan sedang mempersiapkan tugas akhirnya.
"Bok, dosen gue tu aneh-aneh aja deh! masa tugas akhir gue tema besarnya Alice in Wonderland gituh..tapi sebelom mulai ngedisain dia ngeharusin anak-anak baca tu buku dulu ampe selesai."
Ujung-ujungnya dia minta temenin gue ke toko buku.
Tergodalah gue untuk membeli juga edisi paperback-nya penguin. Dani seneng banget,
"In case gue kagak ngarti ceritanya, gue nanya lo aja ya. Lo tau gue kagak demen bener baca buku!"
From there i began my advanced learning of Alice.

*Tarik nafas dalam-dalam*
bokkk...ternyataaaa...versi Disney sama versi original itu ibarat hardcore vs. softcore!!
Dan gue jadi ngerti kenapa dosennya Dani dengan tegasnya 'menitahkan' mahasiswanya untuk ngebaca dulu buku itu, baru mulai berkarya.
Sebagai anak kecil, impresi gue dulu ketika membaca Alice in Wonderland(AIW) adalah gue suka ilustrasinya yang lebih unik dan berwarna-warni ketimbang seri dongeng lainnya. Tapi secara cerita sebenernya gue lebih suka Snow white (hahahha,girly banget dah!). Mungkin karena waktu itu agak takut ngeliat si Cheshire cat yang senyumnya aneh itu dan overall ceritanya agak terlalu liar buat gue cerna (an innocent little girl i was). Nah, ketika membaca lagi Alice 20 tahun kemudian, tetep aja sih, i found that the story was really bizzare. But in an inspiring way kinda bizarre. Serasa nyemplung ke kolam fantasi dan menghirup banyak ide di dalamnya.Liar dan menyegarkan.It's like a bible for designers! (lebay mode on).

Jadi in the end, bukannya si Dani aja yang terinspirasi, gue juga ikut-ikutan terinspirasi sama buku ini. Ahhh, no wonder kalo banyaakkkkkkk banget desainer dunia yang ngangkat AIW jadi tema karya-karya mereka. Desainer fashion, jewellery designer,fotografer, interior desainer, arsitek , stylist sampe party planner pernah mengangkat tema ini. Kerennya, meskipun inspirasinya sama, hasilnya beda-beda. Mungkin karena ada banyak sekali detail dari ceritanya yang menarik buat digali.
Sebut aja Nendo misalnya, design company asal jepang ini pernah beberapa kali mengangkat tema wonderland.Or at least mengangkat elemen-elemen yang ada di dalam cerita ke dalam desain interior.

|Illoiha omotesando, a fitness gym in Japan|
|Alice's tea party, an installation work by Nendo|

Lain desainer, lain juga detail yang diangkat. Arsitek CJ Lim mendesain instalasi Seasons Through the Looking Glass di muka pintu masuk subway Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Inspirasinya berawal dari quote ini :
A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden; the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. Suddenly their eyes chanced to fall upon Alice, as she stood watching them. “Would you tell me, please,” said Alice, a little timidly, “why you are painting those roses?”
 |Instalasi yang terbuat dari panel kardus dan kain putih yang digulung-gulung|

Vogue Amerika juga pernah mengangkat tema Alice in Wonderland di fashion shot-nya yang juga melibatkan nama-nama besar di jagad fashion (macem Tom Ford, John Galliano dan Versace) way way back in 2003 by photographer Annie Leibovitz :



Atau photo shoot dari fotografer ini yang mengambil tema "Alice in Waterland" :

|Underwater Tea Party|

Jewellery dan Accessory designer juga gak ketinggalan doong,ngambil inspirasi dari buku Alice :

|Icon botol dengan label 'Drink Me' yang terkenal itu..|
|Koleksi Jewellery Tom Binns dengan tema Alice in Wonderland|

Dari cabang desain mana lagi ya yang belom...hmm..ini juga seru nih, untuk mempromosikan serial tv Alice, Syfy,salah satu channel tv swasta di Amerika, menggandeng biro ad Fallon untuk bikin kampanye  A day in the life of white rabbit dan White Hare's Mad March. Dimana beberapa orang yang mengenakan tuksedo dan menggunakan topeng kepala kelinci berkeliaran di jalanan kota New York.Eh bukan cuma jalan-jalan aja Kelinci putih itu ngantor,main ping pong di taman bahkan main ski es segala,heheheheh.

|Image via notcot|
|Web white rabbit inc. bagian dari propaganda syfy|

See??so many wonderful things have been created by talented people who's inspired by this book!are you ready to join them to the rabbit hole?let's get down then..let's make our own version of wonderland!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Frida, i think i can (quite) understand you..

My first knowledge of her, was from a movie that titled of her own name.
Though it wasn't the title that drew me to that movie, it was the bright colored cover with Salma Hayek wearing a fancy traditional Mexican dress.

Frida Kahlo.
One of the greatest Mexican painter whose life was so full of tragedies and pain,but blessed with love. She's facing it fearlessly and passionately and it showed in her many paintings.Strong colors, very detailed strokes. The color selections might be the result of her Mexican root, but the strokes, i believe, showed her strong and passionate personality.
What's interesting from her,many of her paintings are self-portrait and scenes from personal experiences.
"I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality."
and she was the object she knew best.
I adore her.

And God was so kind to me, on a daytrip to Hamburg around year 2006, i passed an art gallery, there was a special exhibition of Frida Kahlo's in it! I passed a 45 minutes queue just to enter the venue. But it was worth it..

Finally! i could see her paintings with my own two eyes! None of the paintings were paint on an oversized canvas (perhaps due to her condition?) some were rather small. So i needed time to look carefully and closely at each for details (she loved to paint symbolic objects).

At the first half of the exhibition,the gallery displayed her still life paintings. She seemed as if she's obsessed with fruits...though those fruits just don't stay pretty on a plate,like some other cliche still-life paintings of fruits.Some were ripped open,showing its internal bodies.Some were decayed. They're all symbolical, and it's hard to understand these paintings without knowing any background of hers. Since her art was her life on a canvas.
But at that time,knowing only limited bits of her (from a movie!!) i could quite understand what she's trying to depict.At least the intense feeling i got from looking at those pieces.uneasy feeling. It's just impossible to look at her art and feel happy.

As i moved further into the gallery, i got to the part where her most famous pieces were being displayed. And this uneasy feeling were getting more and more intense. There were two paintings that had stopped me longer than any others.The first was a piece that titled
"Broken Column". Just by looking at it, you can tell that she was trying to depict her pain. How can you paint yourself like that if you've never felt any pain?She must had been in a great pain, phisically and emotionally.
The second painting was the piece she made in 1932.She entitled it "Henry Ford Hospital" or also known as "The Flying Bed".My feet were nailed to the floor right in front of this painting. I couldn't explain why, because this one was rather small and less exquisite than the others.In the contrary, my friend only spent less than ten seconds in front of this painting.As he moved to the next, he whispered "This one is so disturbing".But still my eyes were glued to this piece where Frida tried to paint her miscarriage experience.Yes, it was disturbing indeed,but also very very sad and personal. The painting left a very special place in my heart.
The crowd of people pushed me over to the next painting,and then the next,the next and then the next... before i knew, it was over. Both me and my friend felt pretty surreal .We didn't rushed out of the gallery,we took small steps, and i was trying quite hard to leave the images i saw inside and got myself ready for the outside world.The last stair step took us back into reality.I was again in Hamburg, in the middle of a beautiful platz, with so many people around me talking in a foreign language.

It wasn't until two week ago that Frida and the painting filled my mind once again. That day i was so close to lose the baby i'd carried for 18 weeks.Doctor and medications saved us. Today, the baby still lives happily in my womb. But on the first nights i spent at the hospital,flashes of image from that painting was always on my mind.So that was it,i thought..what she must had felt when she painted wasn't only sadness, it was grief. It wasn't a disturbing picture she was trying to depict,it was her whole painful experience of losing someone so dear.

That piece of hers,maybe,only mothers who could understand it best..

That's why dear Frida, i think i can quite understand you now.

|sorry for mistakes on are from and private |

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Me and the whale

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya nonton film 'Mozart and the whale' di DVD.

Saya pernah jadi 'mozart',yang berteman dekat dengan 'paus'.Bedanya,saya sendiri,alhamdulillah,tidak memiliki asperger syndrome.
Tapi saya cukup tahu rasanya memiliki teman seperti paus, cukup familiar dengan kekacauannya (menurut takaran orang 'normal'),cukup akrab dengan paranoid-paranoidnya,cukup terimbas dengan insomnianya dan cukup mengerti saat-saat dimana paus butuh menyendiri,tenggelam dengan dirinya.

jadi,waktu ibu saya tanya 'Kok bisa ya,orang saling mencintai dalam kondisi seperti itu?'
jawab saya (dalam hati tentu saja) 'ya bisalah...'

karena dalam cinta,ungkapan klise 'Love Conquers All' ternyata berlaku juga.Entah sampai berapa lama..tetapi bukannya tidak mungkin segala kekurangan itu tertutup oleh the so-called 'cinta'.tulus.buta? belum tentu.
Dan bukankah cinta itu menjadi sedemikian 'berat' karena dibebani oleh harapan-harapan yang kadang terlalu tinggi?
entahlah.omong-omong cinta memang selalu terlalu rumit.

'You can't disappoint me, Because whatever you are is exactly what I want.'
-isabelle sorenson-

(images via

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i smell holiday...

30 Desember 2008,

Sepi...jalanan sepi...busway sepi...tukang-tukang sepi..YM sepi...kantor sepi...
duh males banget jadinya..mood udah gak di kerjaan lagi deh..pengen cepet-cepet libur taun baru (besok masih masuk kantor,huuhuhu), leyeh-leyeh dirumah makan enak gak brenti-brenti atau shopping-shopping ria ke mall karena lagi pada diskon.
kabur yukkkkkkkkk?!
Hmmm ke supermarket aja apa ya,blanja camilan gak penting buat nemenin nonton DVD maraton ntar malem?

bosen tingkat tinggi.
anyways, SELAMAT TAHUN BARU TEMAN-TEMAN!!selamat libur dan bermalas-malasan...

(photo via

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

loving it used..

Saya cinta banget sama toko buku bekas
.Meskipun kadang debu-debu yang menumpuk di dalam toko yang jarang dibersihkan bikin saya bersin-bersin dan kucek-kucek mata.*sniff*
Saya cinta banget sama bau toko buku bekas, karena meskipun kadang agak menusuk,aroma khas itu selalu mengingatkan saya kepada dunia antah berantah,alam khayali yang siap kita jelajahi lewat tiap lembar buku yang kita baca.
Saya cinta toko buku bekas karena dia tidak arogan.Yang ditawarkannya adalah murni perasaan cinta yang sedalam-dalamnya.Keinginan tulus untuk membaca.Bukan sekedar untuk memiliki dan terlihat memiliki.

Ada yang punya toko buku bekas favorit?mungkin kita bisa share disini....

Monday, December 08, 2008

|that thin layer...|

this is what people are saying :
life and death (also love and hate & happiness and sadness ) are inseperable faces of a coin.
What lies between them is only a really really thin layer. u can't expect when they're coming or leaving..taking turns,showing you their contrast appearences.

what happen when both are approaching you at the same time?

don't know how to react..

i just wish for the best.whatever that'd be.

(image by mirjan via flickr : )