Friday, February 22, 2008


Temen gw bilang tadi pagi : 'Bok, beneran deh..lo tu ibaratnya winnie the pooh bertopeng'
(komentar ini muncul setelah kita curhat-curhatan ttg sesuatu dan lain hal)
gw langsung ngakak abis...ihhhh,rese deh dia..secara nggak langsung kan dia bilang kalo gw bermuka dua!tapi gw nggak marah sama dia, coz knowing her blatant way of saying things, it's just her way of saying that i don't come out to be what it looks like from the package.she's just surprised to find me differently.
i find this rather hillarious..i mean,people always judge me as a miss-goody-two-shoes, i don't know why. if it's because of my angelic face..well,can't blame me for that,people! (narcist mode on)
another good friend once said 'geez,i've been knowing you forever but you're still giving me the shock everytime you speak out your mind'
what's wrong here??can't i be sarcastic and mean with this peaceful and smiling face of mine?
i don't think that im hiding my real self..but honestly this always been an issue for me everytime i begin a relationship with someone (with people i barely know,i don't even care how they want to think of me,really). i consider it important to break the 'myth' with the person who's going to start something personal with me. It always feels good afterwards..i feel squeaky clean. And the relationship would go on a clear sheet of a paper as a start.
so which is better..being the cute pooh or the masked version of it?
i don't mind wearing mask, as long as it's a cute one..heheheheheheh

1 comment:

cheapdrunk said...

OMG...baru aja malam minggu kemaren gue nulis "Sang Filsuf Winnie the Pooh (bertopeng)"..sebuah dedikasi mini buat si Winnie dan dirimu! Belum sempat gue post ke blog, nanti deh ya...

and btw I was giving you a compliment dear! In your sarcastic way of saying things, you turn out to be a cheesy dreamy girl...not the other way around...although your face is literally a 6 year old one (uhm...look who's talking :P)