Monday, September 22, 2008

|moody mood|

got a very moody mood i made it even more moodier by playing ms.Jones' CD on my player (hey..i don't have any ipod) and im stuck at this one song..(so far i've played it over and over again for 5 times,sigh)

If I were a painter I would paint my reverie
If that's the only way for you to be with me
We'd be there together
Just like we used to be
Underneath the swirling skies for all to see

And I'm dreaming of a place
Where I could see your face

And I think my brush would take me there
But only...
If I were a painter
And could paint a memory

I'd climb inside the swirling skies to be with you

I'd climb inside the skies to be with you

i hope things were that easy..then i'd paint and paint and paint and would never stop...

|image by suzanne buchanan at|


suzanne cabrera said...

I feel so honored to have my painting attached to one of the best songs ever....thank you...I'm flattered.

miss_e said...

OMG suzanne....thank you very much for letting me use your image.yours are very beautiful..